
Omni International Hospital "DPR Must Respect the Law "

Omni International Hospital still refused to pull a criminal accusation Prita Mulyasari even though the House of Representatives has recommended to close the hospital. Hospital doctors through Omni Hengky Gozali akan still continue the trial.

Responses to the recommendations of the House of Representatives requesting Omni Hospital closed?

Now here, we just state law. The legal process is running. We must respect the legal process that are running. All the institutions have. That's a recommendation or suggestion can-can. The Government should look at what is essentially closed hospital.

Do not have intention to go for mediation?

Oh yes it already exists. Previous family Prita already met us under date of May 26. But the results have not followed up, there has been no agreement. Doctors only want to have a written apology from the Bu Prita, both because of the name. We will immediately contact the BU may prita.

Hold responses Prita what?

I suggest to the Prita say I write the email was very emotional. But I would like Prita. Free oral, do not want written. If only such public terlanjur already see the email. People can not see, what evidence is already the case complete?.

Hengky what the doctor does not want to lower the 'price' for peace?

Just ask the doctor his name cleared. Doctors said fraudster. People so terrified and fearful with a doctor from RSCM Hengky Gozali. Later the doctors think it can infus internist and nyuntik a sudden. But we have a data Prita signed nod to the doctor Hengky handling. This is already published terlanjur mass-produce. He said the complaint would be sent a letter to readers, but why spread to the email.

Kan House of Representatives has recommended to close the hospital?

The House of Representatives not to know the truth. During this time the email was already circulating revised. I have in the hands of the original that was brought to court. Title 'Fraud Omni International Hospital' and sent 15 August 2008, the outstanding title, if I have the title.

So still do not want to pull a civil suit?

Not not like. If both parties do not have win-win solution,
there is no meeting point, like new. Wait for both of them good.

I fear the recommendation to revoke the permission DPR Hospital is?

Not fear, the sudden want to pull it. We are a country of law. Let the process run first. House of Representatives must respect the law.

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