
Myths Around Valentine What You Need To Know

Valentine's Day is coming. Many myths that arise around this particular day. Want to know the truth?

Andrea Madison, a relationship expert who launched AskMen says, there are several myths surrounding Valentine's Day. Among them was the right thing, there are also wrong.

1. Celebrating Valentine's Day is no need to February 14
This myth can be true either. All you need to do is to know your partner. Is he the type to be celebrating Valentine or not. If not, you can celebrate the love anytime. But if so, it could not hurt to spend time on February 14 for your spouse.

2. If a new relationship for a while, no need to celebrate Valentine's Day
This opinion is wrong. Celebrating Valentine was measured by the length of your touch. Think of it like the time Valentine's Day date. Nothing wrong with providing your time on that day for a new boyfriend.

3. Celebrate Valentine's Day with dinner to Wrong.
Many ways to celebrate Valentine's Day than just a dinner. Try doing your hobby, like exercising together, or just watching DVDs. The most important thing is how the meaning of your activities.

4. Valentine is only for those pairs
Wrong. You do not just give the couple's love just is not it? If you're single, Valentine's celebrate it with family or friends. Your Valentine can be special.

History of Valentine's Day:

Valentine's Day celebrations including one day of a pagan Roman festival (Pagan), in which idolatry is their religion since more than 17 centuries ago. Valentin celebration is an expression of the pagan religion of the Roman god of love and respect them.

Valentine's Day celebration has historical roots of some of the stories from generation to generation in the Romans and the Christians their heirs. The most famous story about the origins is that the Romans used to believe that Romulus (founder of Rome) nursed by a she-wolf, that wolf was given a physical strength and intelligence of the mind. Romans commemorate this event in mid-February each year with a magnificent memorial. Among the rituals are slaughtered a dog and a female goat, and blood to
lubricated two physically strong young men. Then they washed the blood with milk. After the big parade that began with the two youths had been in front of the group. Both carry two pieces of leather that they use to stain everything they encounter. The women faced the Romans deliberately covered it with pleasure, because they believe in it will be blessed with fertility and childbirth with ease.

History of Valentine's Day I:
According to the chronicle of ancient Athenian calendar, the period between mid-January to mid February is the month Gamelion, which is dedicated to the god the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera. You know Zeus? the father of hercules.

In ancient Rome, February 15 is the feast of Lupercalia, a celebration of Lupercus, god of fertility, which represented half-naked and dressed in goat skins. As a ritual of purification, the priests' victims Lupercus meyembahkan goats to the gods and then after drinking wine, they would run around the streets of Rome holding pieces of sheep skin and touch whoever they meet the street. Some historians say this as one of the forerunners for Valentine's Day

History of Valentine's Day II:
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the name of Valentinus believed to refer to the three martyrs or saints (holy men) are different from the following:

* Priest in Rome
* Bishop Interamna (modern Terni)
* Martyr in the Roman province of Africa.

The relationship between the three martyrs was the holiday of love (Valentine) is not clear. Even Pope Gelasius I, in the year 496, states that in fact nothing is known about these martyrs, but on February 14 set as a memorial feast day saint Valentine. Some said that Pope Gelasius I deliberately set it to beat the holiday is celebrated Lupercalia on February 15.

Skeletal remains unearthed from the tomb of Saint Hyppolytus, identified as the corpse St. Valentinus. Then placed in a coffin of gold and been sent to the church Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. The body has been given to them by Pope Gregory XVI in 1836. Many tourists now visit the church which was on Valentine's Day (February 14), where the coffin of the gold carried in a procession and brought to a high altar. On that day carried a special mass was held and dedicated to the young people and those who are in a relationship of love.

This holiday is removed from the ecclesiastical calendar in 1969 as part of a broader effort to erase the saints muasalnya origins are unclear, dubious and just be based on the legend. But this party is still celebrated in certain parishes.

History of Valentine's Day III:
The story of St. Valentine

Valentine was a priest who lived in Rome in the century-III. He lived in the kingdom which was led by Emperor Claudius notoriety. He hated the emperor. Claudius ambition is to have a large military force, he wants all the men in the kingdom joined the dalamya.

But unfortunately, this desire is not supported. The men are reluctant to engage in battle. Because they do not want to leave her family and boyfriend. This made Claudius furious, he immediately ordered his officials to do a crazy idea.

Claudius thought that if men do not marry, they will gladly join the military. Then Claudius forbade the marriage. Young couples as it considers this decision was not unreasonable. St. hence. Valentine refused to do it.

St. Valentine continue to perform his duties as pastor, the married couples who were falling in love even though in secret. This action is known by the emperor finally that immediately gave him a warning, but he paid no attention and continue to bless the marriage in a small chapel lit only by candlelight.

Until one night, he caught one of the blessed couple. The couple managed to escape, but poor St. Valentine was caught. He was imprisoned and sentenced to death by beheading. Instead of being humiliated by the people, St. Valentine even visited a lot of people who support that action. They threw flowers and messages of support at the windows prison where he was arrested.

One of the people who believe in that love is the daughter of the prison guards themselves. The father allows his daughter to visit St. Valentine. Sometimes they talked for a long time. The girl's foster the spirit of the preacher again. He agreed that St. Valentine has done the right thing right eh benul alias.

On the day when he was beheaded beheaded his alias, which is dated February 14 do not know what year, St. Valentine took time to write a message to the jailer's daughter she was, he wrote, A Girl from Valentine.

The message was later changed everything. Now every year on February 14 people in various parts of the world as a day to celebrate love. The people who celebrate the day to remember St. Valentine's Day as a warrior of love, while the emperor Claudius is remembered as someone who tried to get rid of love.

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