
Do You Need Enlarge Penis?

It is rightly worry if the size of penis. Not a few men who feel penis with small size or not in accordance with the expectations and the psychological obstacles to cause Erectile Dysfunction. But physically, in reality it does not specify a size for ereksi function and sexual function in general, the origin of its development has reached a stage of normal development.

'Masculinity based on penis a man', an axiom that is very misleading and can not be wise. However, it is important that this problem can not be regarded as the eye can cause increased anxiety and fear.

Begins a psychological barrier inferiority complex, feeling embarrassed or do not believe in themselves and feel the stronger when the pair provide a reaction to the increasingly penis confirm that the size does not fit with the expectation as well.

Penis size is influenced by several factors, including genetic factors, race, Obesity, and hormones. There are no studies that examine the penis size of average Indonesians, but generally not much different with the size of the penis were found on a regional Asia region, that is not at 8-11 cm and 12-14 cm ereksi time ereksi with a diameter of 3.2 cm .

Many people who were trapped akan paradigm is misguided. This can be seen in the fact that many number of men in Indonesia who took the decision to raise through a business process because of the size of the penis are not satisfied with the size of natural sex tool.

Here are some tips and how to increase business in penis size, which is in medical review:

1. Herb pills and brass penis.
No drug or herb that circulate in the market have a broad effect on the permanent size of the penis.

2. Vacuum tool
This tool is often recommended as therapy for Erectile Dysfunction, can only increase the size of the penis for 24 hours. Working with the vacuum placed on the tip of the penis, providing a negative pressure that forces blood flow to the penis and cause ereksi. A ring is placed on the temporary base of the penis to prevent the back flow of blood that is too fast. Side effects that can be caused, among other vein causing swelling and pain.

3. Penis Exercises
Because it has no muscle, no exercise or massage that can enlarge in the long term.

4. Operation
Operation is a way out that can be made permanent. There are two types of procedures that can be done:

~ Operation prolong penis
Network ligament (ligamen) that binds the network erektil cut pubis bone to make it appear more 2-3 cm long. Peregangan do it can also be done for several months to create a permanent effect.

Side effects: this procedure can cause a scar and a network position to lead ereksi down.

~ Operation raise penis diameter
Another method is to implant a network of fat the body to the penis. Kekurangannya is the size of the penis can not be improved so that visually appears inadequate. Level of success of the operation depends on the skill of surgeon handle. The price must be paid also vary. Depending on the place and the surgeon's expertise.

However, like other operating procedures, action is also not operating despite the risk, either physical or psychological, such as:

1. Infection
2. When the results obtained do not have appropriate expectations of the psychological impact of extraordinary
3. Damage around the network and persarafan
4. Side effects anestes

For penis enlargement method that is alternative or non-medical, so far there is no research to support the security aspects of the medical patient. However, far from the observations of respondents, mostly men who undergo penis enlargement surgery are not satisfied with the claim that the results obtained.

A urolog from St Peter's Andrology Center in London, United Kingdom, Nim Christopher, in a report in the Journal of European Urology present, the average penis length increased 1.3 cm, but the patient dissatisfaction rate exceeds 70%.

An interesting fact, the men's penis size be more by their own men rather than women. Therefore, from our busy berkutat with false paradigm, which focuses on the physical perfection to achieve sexual satisfaction, the need to see how changes in crucial issues such as this.

The men's pair and also the point of view of objectives required a more healthy. Psychological therapy approach more emphasis is given to the men who have psychological barriers due to the size of the problem is genital organs.

Stigmatis need to change the view in the men's essence in the intimate relationship. Indeed, women not only find satisfaction only physical, but also explore emotional vibration, feeling loved, be special, valued, and intimacy with a partner. Beautiful sex is determined by the creativity and communication in each pair.

On a survey conducted by a women's magazine in Indonesia, at least more than 50% of women in Indonesia do not get upset at the time of sexual satisfaction related intimate. Main factor is Erectile Dysfunction and ejakulasi early. Almost no express dissatisfaction that comes from the size of the penis is too small.

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